What Is In Your Hands?
Happy New Year everyone, it feels great to be alive in God! 2017 our year of “All Sufficiency” has begun and very soon it wouldn’t be referred to as a new year! Thank God for another opportunity to get things right and on time!
Let’s do a quick assessment. While taking stock of 2016, what were the things that made you unhappy because you weren’t able to accomplish them? What were the things that made you smile? Get your journal and answer the following honestly:
• What were the goals you wanted to achieve in 2016?
• Which of the goals did you achieve and which did you not?
• Why couldn’t you achieve those goals? What challenges did you face that made you pause, stop or give up?
• What do you need to get you to the next phase of completing your goal?
Sometimes, we stay in the same position because what we require to get to the next stage, phase or level seems beyond our reach. We then begin to believe that our dreams are unrealistic or impossible.
Well, today I’m asking you, WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND?
Your talents, skills and time are yours from God, yet many times the things God has given us are laid aside. What resources, people or networks are available to you where you are at this point? How can you make do with what you have at this point on your journey to your desired destination? .
What you have in your hand might look insignificant, but that is where God will start from. In the sight of God, it is a key to unlocking His sufficiency. Where human promises have failed you in the past, the promises of God will not only become real to you in 2017, they will become the anchor for your soul. Regardless of what happens around you hereafter, you will become unperturbed and unshakable.
Everything doesn’t have to be perfect before you set out. In 2017 your plans must actualize and become evident so you can be a partaker of the sufficiency God has in store for you. Get to doing and not just sharing your brilliant ideas because other destinies are knitted to you fulfilling your purpose in God.
The journey won’t always be easy or rosy but the struggles before destiny is revealed is part of the package. Don’t dismiss your struggles or think they don’t count, God in His wisdom knows when to reveal your destiny to you, but you also must ask Him to reveal it [Jeremiah 29:11-14]. For you to walk in and operate fully in the reality of God’s promises despite all the surrounding circumstances dictating otherwise, you must know intimately the God who made the promises.
Remember, whatever your hands findeth to do in 2017, do it with thy might as unto the Lord!!
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain”
-Vivian Greene.
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