The darkest darkness lingers just before the dawn
Men are said to die of thirst just when the oasis emerges on the horizon.Why does it always have to be darkest before dawn? Why do we always have to wait in that waiting room for that precious answer to arrive? And why is the darkest darkness and the wait, so, so, painful? Almost unbearable.
Because time is the greatest crucible of all. The greatest test of time is time itself. And time ‘will and must’ test everything you have learned along the way, just so that you master the lessons you have learned as you strive to see your deepest desires materialise.
It would test your patience to see if you have learned perseverance. It would test your faith to see if you have learned to trust God. It would test your generosity to see if you have learned to give. Your ingenuity to see if you’ve learned to be noble. And the texture of your heart to see if you have learned to forgive.
And none of these surgical tests are a walk in the park. They are what cause us pain and discomfort, and all the restlessness that we suffer. Because we struggle. Sometimes we fail and sometimes we pass. Sometimes we have to retake the test.
The darkest darkness that lingers just before the dawn comes to test our claim on the dawn. As well as our suitability and readiness for the break we so badly crave.
So I am looking at my life today and I’m checking, searching to make sure that I’ve passed. It is my prayer that you pass your tests also.
2 Peter 1:5-7
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.
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