• Dreams are Gods’s way of revealing purpose and directing our lives our lives (Jeremiah 29:11, Genesis 41:1; 42:9).
  • A God-given dream is bigger than any individual; it is not about
    personal achievement but about fulfilling God’s plan. It is often
    bigger than our current capacity, requiring faith, growth and total dependence on God (Nehemiah 1-2, Hebrews).
  • Most heroes of faith had no physical evidence that their dreams  could come to pass, but they held on to God’s word (Hebrews  1:1, 13, Genesis 21:2, 5).
  • Sometimes, despite having a God-given dream, you will face opposition and setbacks. These challenges, however, prepare us, as the process is just as important as the promise (Genesis 37, 39, 41, 42).
  • God-given dreams are meant to give glory to God and point people to Him. The fulfilment of such dreams serves as a testimony of things to come (Genesis 50:15, 19-20; 37:10-
    5, Daniel 1:17, Matthew 2:12, Acts 10:11-15).
  • We can revive our dreams through a fresh word or revelation  from God, through mentors and destiny helpers, and through seasons of preparation and waiting.
  • God often reconnects us with our dreams by reminding us of what He originally said. He may speak through Scripture, a sermon, a prophetic word, or personal revelation to reignite the dream.
  • If you feel lost, always return to what God originally said and
    seek His guidance afresh (Habakkuk 2:2-3).
  • God places people in our lives who can remind us of our calling,
    offer wisdom, and encourage us during tough times.
  • Sometimes, we need someone to challenge us or reignite our faith in God’s word, just as Jonathan did to David (1 Samuel 23:15-17). Therefore, ensure you surround yourself with godly
    mentors and encouragers who can help you reignite and realign
    your passion with God’s plan for your life.

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