Stay empty

                 time concept, selective phocus point, special toned photo f/x

Steve jobs came close to saying something similar in one of his most renowned speeches where he said, ‘stay hungry, stay foolish.’ Today I will be admonishing ‘stay empty.’ Why? You may wonder. Here’s why — remember the widow with nothing but a jar of oil? The one whose dead husband left her with heavy debts to pay? And Elijah said to her, go borrow vessels, borrow not a few. The bible clearly states that ‘when there were no more vessels to fill, the oil stopped!’ My darlings, there is a demand on your life to stay empty. Stay hungry, stay foolish. Never be too much for God to use. Never be too cool or too awesome. Stay empty and you will always be filled with the Spirit and then — out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. But if you are too full, too cool, too amazing, what will the Spirit fill? Alas, the oil will cease!

2 Kings 4:6
When they were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another container.” But he replied, “There aren’t any more.” Then the oil stopped. — HCSB

Say to someone today — stay empty. And when they ask what you mean, forward this article to them.

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