Never a vanishing love, Never a failing promise

Do we give Him credit enough for all He has done and continues to do?
For the breath of life in our lungs
For the batting of our eyelids
For every organ functioning
For every heart beat

Do we give Him credit enough for who He is and continues to be?
For how we’ve changed, grown, and our ability to learn from our mistakes
For this life, here and now, and the opportunity to savor every moment
For our emotions and the miracle of expressing good feelings and sad
For time; and the grace to wait out a season, and then hope for the next

Do we give Him credit enough for all He’s given and continues to give?
For our dreams and all we hope to be
For our imagination and all we desire to create
For our days and the miracles which we seldom acknowledge
For our lives  and the events that make us and form us

This is a never vanishing love,
He is the ever present, the ever-lasting love
This is a never failing promise,
He is the ever true, the eternal promise

Has His unfailing love vanished forever? Or has His promise failed for all time? (Psalm 77:8)

Do you know a friend who is low in spirit right now? Forward this message to them today.

Habakkuk 2:3
This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. — NLT

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