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Happy, free and contagious…



I am happy and I am free but I am yet to be categorised terminal. Yet to be diagnosed as contagious. Yet to be associated with the infection. I am happy but not fulfilled. I am free but not expressing the liberty for which I’ve been set free.

Instead of conqueror I’m the vanquished. Instead of victor I am Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo. Still I’ve been born again by an incorruptible seed. Born to be fruitful and increase in number! Born to fill the earth and subdue it! Heck, from the very beginning, He commanded me to be contagious.

I was commanded to multiply, to subdue, to have dominion. Commanded to go to the ends of the earth and make disciples of my kind. How then am I to achieve this without being contagious?

So, No! No, it is not okay to be happy and free and not be infectious. It is not okay to happy and blessed and free and not be terminal. Again, it is not okay to  be happy, to be blessed, to be healed, and free and not become the contagion of hope that seeks to infest the world with what I carry.

I am a bearer of life; life that has overcome death. Life that would translate many from death to life. I am the light; light that swallows up darkness. Light like a city set on a hill, it cannot be hid. I am the express image of God, whatever I touch is blessed, happy, free and likewise, inevitably contagious.

This is how we multiply. This is how we fill the earth and subdue it. This is how we have dominion. We are our father’s children — Abraham’s seed. We are not just happy, blessed, healed and free. We are contagious!!!

Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you and… All the families on earth will be blessed through you. — NLT

Mark 16:15
And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” — NLT

Genesis 1:28a
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it…” — NIV


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