First things first…

seeking 1

Last Sunday, I was reminded again of certain truths about prayer. How that we have either left off praying entirely or have downsized our prayer lives; rationed it to suit our schedules and our itineraries. Therefore, lets just say I was shaken out of a slumber. I mean, where are the Daniels of our day? Or has heaven stopped couriering answers through angelic mercenaries?

So today I’ll like to share something that has captured my heart about prayer: First things first! — A missing link that once it’s discovered and retrieved, your life will make an incredible turn around. Remember the scripture that says — Ask, and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock, and the door shall be opened? We learn a little about prayer here, and it encourages us to come to God with our needs and our wants. But there is a little something there to take into consideration…

In the previous chapter, Jesus admonishes us to “seek FIRST God’s kingdom…†Hmmm. I hear Him say, “Yes, he that seeks shall find… BUT… seek FIRST My Kingdom!†Amazing isn’t it? In Psalms 1vs8 it says, “Ask me and I will make the nations your inheritance…†And then as far as doors are concerned… Jesus is the one who says, “Behold I stand at the door knocking, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person… — Revelation 4:20

It’s all pointing to one thing — seek FIRST His kingdom. Ask FIRST for the nations (to become the kingdom of our God). Open the door FIRST to Him so He can come in and dine with you. PRAY. Say Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus! PRAY.

Pray like Daniel prayed. Pray but don’t get carried away asking for bread and fish. FIRST, ask for the Kingdom, FIRST seek for the Kingdom, FIRST answer the knock on the door and invite the King and His kingdom in.


Matthew 6:33
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. — NIV

Encourage a friend or colleague of yours to pray right today. Tell them, first things first…

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